Design Better Forms/Im posting this because if someone is developing stuff for you this is the least you should expect :)

3 min readJul 5, 2016


Whether it is a signup flow, a multi-view stepper, or a monotonous data entry interface, forms are one of the most important components of digital product design. This article focuses on the common dos and don’ts of form design. Keep in mind that these are general guideline and there are exceptions to every rule.

Multiple columns disrupt a users vertical momentum.
Users complete top aligned labeled forms at a much higher rate than left aligned labels. Top aligned labels also translate well on mobile. However, consider using left aligned labels for large data-set entry with variable optionality because they are easier to scan together, they reduce height, and prompt more consideration than top aligned labels.
Present the label and input close together, and make sure there is enough height between the fields so users don’t get confused.
All caps is more difficult to read and scan.
Placing options in a selector drop-down requires two clicks, and hides the options. Use an input selector if there are over 5 options. Incorporate contextual search within the drop-down if there are over 25 options.
It is tempting to optimize space by using placeholder text as labels. This causes many usability issues that have been summarized by Katie Sherwin of Nielsen Norman Group.
Placing checkboxes underneath each other allows easy scanning.
A call to action should state the intent.
Show the user where the error occurred and provide a reason.
Don’t use inline validation while the user is typing — unless it helps them — like in the case of creating a password, username, or message with a character count.
Expose basic helper text wherever possible. For complex helper text, consider placing it next to the input during its focused state.
There is a bigger philosophical debate regarding whether a secondary option should even be included.
The length of the field affords the length the answer. Employ this for fields that have a defined character count like phone numbers, zip codes, etc.
Users don’t always know what is implied by the required field marker (*). Instead, it is better to denote optional fields.
Users think in batches, and long forms can feel overwhelming. By creating logical groups the user will make sense of the form much faster.

Omit optional fields and think of other ways to collect data. Always ask yourself if the question can be inferred, postponed, or completely excluded.

Data entry is increasingly automated. For example, mobile and wearable devices collect large amounts of data without the user’s conscious awareness. Think of ways you can leverage social, conversational UI, SMS, email, voice, OCR, location, fingerprint, biometric, etc.

Life is short. No one wants to fill out a form. Be conversational. Be funny. Gradually engage. Do the unexpected. It is the role of the designer to express their company’s brand to elicit an emotional reaction. If done correctly, it will increase completion rates. Just make sure you don’t violate the rules listed above.

Originally published at on July 5, 2016.

